Gangster LegendPolice Says Tupac's Last Words Were "F**k YOU"

If that's not going out gangsta, nothing is!

Tupac's last words were, "Fuck You" according to policeplay
Tupac's last words were, "Fuck You" according to police
The legendary rapper Tupac Shakur had two last words for the cops before he finally kicked the bucket in 1996 and those words were, "F**k YOU", according to what the cops are saying now.
According to the former Las Vegas Metropolitan PD officer Chris Carroll says Tupac uttered the words to him as the wounded rapper lay dying in the officer's arms, that fateful day in 1996, moments before he slipped out of consciousness forever.

In a recent interview with VegasSeven.comCarroll says he had pulled Pac from the passenger seat of the car where he'd just been shot multiple times in a drive-by ... he was bleeding everywhere.

Carroll adds that he tried to get the rapper to tell him who the shooter was -- asking over and over, "Who shot you? Who shot you?" - but Tupac refused to snitch and replied - "F*** you."

After that, Carroll says the rapper lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital, where he was eventually placed on life support. Carroll says Tupac never said another word.
Now, guys, how do you see Tupac?


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